Little Rock, AR
for a first time event, this was amazing. they had so much excitement && interest for their event, that the day before we got there, they added 8 more stations bc they had so many volunteers sign up.
now THAT is encouraging
it was a two session event, but they packed over 100,000 meals in that time. amazing.
the entire event was also sponsored by Tacos4Life, which if you haven't heard of them, they are awesome. they are a taco restaurant chain, && when you buy a meal there, they donate a meal for us at FMSC. it is such a servant-hearted business model that i so respect.
this event was also interesting for me as we had some newer members of our team there && i got to train them in a job i now feel confident in every facet of. absolutely a growing experience.
what i learned
inside jokes are something to hold on to
trust that the Lord will equip you for where He places you
practice makes perfect
how i grew
this was a pack where i truly was finding my strengths && was able to train others on how to do parts of the job. while there were points that were frustrating, but i chose to see them as opportunities to learn && to grow. i was able to discuss parts of scripture that i am passionate about.
favorite parts
meeting new coworkers and becoming quick friends
accidentally walking into a trivia night at the only open restaurant we could find in downtown little rock
nighttime adventures on a bridge && in a random target
becoming friends w the dads on the host team (i have a tendency to do this)
the bananas
to fellowship bible church:
you were rockstars for being a first time host. you defied all odds && expectations. you met goal made it a party. you added 6 more funnels the day before the event && we still had too many volunteers & not enough jobs. you saw a need in the world && wanted to respond. you were excited and ready to serve. you so proudly partnered w Tacos4Life to put on this event. before you packed a single bag, you wanted to bring us out again for a bigger pack next year. you asked us questions from a place of genuine curiosity. being able to serve alongside you was a joy!