Austin, TX
this was my third time to Austin for an event, but it was special, this one was with my family.
when i was growing up, my parents made a point that service was a central part of how we were to live our lives. it was how Jesus lived His life on earth, so that was what we were gonna do. that having the simple ability to give of yourself in service of another, that was the biggest blessing.
so being able to do this event with my uncle on the host team && seeing him lead in prayer was such a gift to me. as well as being able to serve alongside my aunt && parents at the same time was just joyful.
&& then my cousin/one of my favorite people ever coming after his baseball game to help me clean and do the dishes?? now that is a core memory.
serving alongside the people you do life with is such a powerful thing.
i got to have table top fellowship with my family after the event ended. i got to worship alongside my friends i had made from the church on sunday morning && hear such an encouraging word from pastor Steve. together, they were the perfect way to close out my time in Austin.
this event is also where i witnessed two of the most powerful prayers i have ever heard. one was from a kid who was about 9 years old. he volunteered to pray over the pallet at the end of his session, and in his prayer he said these two lines:
"i pray God, that you let the kids know that the food is on the way"
"oh! and one last thing God, i pray that you let these kids know to never give up"
there was not a dry eye in the room people, for a kid to say those words so earnestly, spoke to his relationship with the Lord && his trust in Him. it was beautiful.
what i learned
relationships evolve
simply complimenting a girl's shirt can allow for Kingdom moments to happen
remembering someone's name can warm their heart
how i grew
during the service on sunday, we sang Gratitude by Brandon Lake && man was i hit hard. this song truly reflects the sentiments around this event. yet another event where His provision is clearly what got us through, && "i know it's not much, but i've nothing else fit for a King, except for a heart singing Hallelujah" reigns true! praise be!
favorite parts
these quotes:
"we need to do ministry to the point where we see the secular and find the sacred"
"thank you Lord for inviting us to play a small role in Your bigger story"
to hill country bible church
you have been so faithful in your waiting, an event three years in the making! in that time, it could have been so easy to become discouraged, but instead, your excitement and determination grew tenfold. you welcomed each of the volunteers with genuine joy, && met their questions and requests with understanding and eagerness to help. you asked us hard questions && fought to know us and entwine the hard moments with laughter. thank you for welcoming our team so readily && for your hearts of service.